About me

About me

I am María Escribano del Moral

a Corporative Systemic Consultant and Specialist in New Family Constellations by INSCONSFA

I put the eficacy of New Family Constellations at the service of success in business, at the service of others and Life.

I offer you online and onsite one-to-one and group sessions of systemic consulting for the business and professional world, as well as New Family Constellations for a broader range of topics.

These are brief, once-off interventions that do not necessarily require continuity, although due to their effectiveness as an instrument for personal growth, many regularly attend workshops and have their constellation done often. This kind of work is becoming an increasingly widespread and popular resource for resolving difficulties of various kinds. Not only large multinationals and various organisations resort to it in order to improve their performance and decision-making, but also a greater number of people at an individual level because of their eficacy.

Here is an insight into the training that, in my eagerness to know the human being  in its deepest social dimension, has brought me to this great gift from life, and from my family system, which is to be at your service through family constellations (or configurations). You can contact me here.

  • Specialist in New Family Constellations by the Institute of Family Constellations Brigitte Champetier de Ribes – INSCONSFA (march 2024 – 10 years of continued training). 
  • Training with Bert and Sophie Hellinger in Hellinger Sciencia / Family Constellations (several seminars in London, UK, Munich and Bad Reichenhall in Germany, and Avila in Spain, 2014 – 2015). 
  • Trained in Transactional Analysis and Neurolinguistic Programming with Brigitte Champetier.
  • Family Constellator since 2013 in Ireland and Spain, on-site and online.
  • Constellating Capacity Certificate by INSCONSFA (2016).
  • PhD in Ethnomusicology (University of Limerick, Ireland, 2012) and Government of Ireland Scholar (scholarship received from the Irish Research Council for The Humanities and Social Sciencies, 2002-2005).
  • Certificado de Aptitud Pedagógica (UCM, 2001) -equivalent to the Higher Teaching Diploma. 
  • MA in Ethnomusicology (University of Limerick, Irlanda, 1999).
  • Technician in Social Psychology of Work (Colegio de Doctorados y Licenciados en CC. PP. y Sociología, Madrid, 1998).
  • BA in Political Sciences and Sociology (UCM, 1996).
  • Diploma in Social Anthropology (University of Kent at Canterbury, UK, 1995).
  • Bilingual English – Spanish (I have lived in Ireland for 16 years and have the Cambridge Proficiency Certificate, C2, 2017).
  • B2 level of Basque language (Habe, B2, 2021).
Regarding my work experience, I have been an English teacher from 2014 to 2024, accredited by Lanbide.
In Ireland I had my own company, Escribano Ltd., through which I founded and managed the startup of an online language academy: WorldTutor.ie.

I have also been a university lecturer for 7 years at the University of Limerick and St. Patrick’s College (now part of Dublin City University) for mainly Irish students. There I taught ethnomusicology, world music survey, performance studies, ritual studies, anthropology of ritual, and qualitative research methods for various undergraduate and masters programmes at the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance and for undergraduate students at St. Patrick’s College. 

Before that, I worked as a mentor/supervisor in two call centres in Ireland, and as an interpreter and also as a bilingual secretary in several firms in the financial and real estate sector in Madrid.
I combine my knowledge of relationships within and between human groups, acquired throughout my academic training, with training received from the leaders in the field, Bert and Sophie Hellinger, especially extensive with Brigitte Champetier de Ribes (INSCONSFA).
I also put at your service my capacity to constelate, acquired during 17 years of practical experience of the New Family Constellations and the philosophy about human relationships developed by Bert Hellinger, and furthered by Brigitte Champetier de Ribes (with her BChR method).